Shape the future

While the four scenarios above give an overview of possible futures for the Arctic by 2030, this overview is in no way comprehensive. Further, what might look like a great picture of the future to one stakeholder could be the worst case for another. Note again, that these scenarios are not predictions and that the actual future
might be very different from the ones depicted.
I encourage the reader to use one of the morphological matrixes in Figures 1 to 4 and draw their favorite picture of the future into them. This should (i) induce a thought process as to what a favorable future would look like and (ii) allow to plan a strategy as to how to shape this future by political, economic and social
Further, once a favorable scenario is found it is possible to use the consistency matrix (Section 6) and the plausibility values (Section 4) to compare this scenario to the ones given above. For further instructions on calculating these values see Appendix C.

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