Archive for category Arctic

North by 2020 Book to be published soon!

The book ‘North by 2020: Perspectives on Alaska’s changing social-ecological systems’, edited by A.L. Lovecraft and H. Eicken will be published towards the end of the year. This is a great collection of the state-of-the-art in Arctic research of all flavors. The scenario work presented on this page is part of the book.

Thanks to Amy and Hajo and many others for putting a lot of time and effort into this.

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Early Indicators: Russia creates Arctic Force/Norway Claims Territory

This has been in several news outlets over the past few weeks. A Russian Government Strategy Paper outlines an Arctic Force to protect Russia’s claim in the regions. I found an more in depth review of the plans on the Jamestown Foundation’s web page.

Furthermore, Norway is in the process of legislating a formal claim to an area close to the North Pole based on the revised Law of the Sea Treaty.

These political signals could be early indicators for the more tension loaded scenarios.

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SCIAM NW Passage Slide Show

Scientific American has a slide show online about the state of the North West Passage in a changing climate. Very nicely enhanced satelite images and some informative text.


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